Visualising Aged Care Star Ratings up to Q4 FY23-24
Filip Reierson
November 20, 2024
The latest Australian aged care star ratings have continued the upward trend. Below I show two animated histograms highlighting how star ratings have changed over time until Q4 FY23-24. The metric considered is the “unrounded overall star rating”. The overall star rating is a weighted average of the ratings in each category, which is then rounded. I simply don’t perform the final rounding step.
index_names = ["Q2 FY22-23","Q3 FY22-23","Q4 FY22-23","Q1 FY23-24","Q2 FY23-24","Q3 FY23-24","Q4 FY23-24"];html`<h4 id="plot-heading">Australian Aged Care Star Ratings From Q2 FY22-23</h4>`
x_domain = d3.range(1,5.1,0.1).map(d =>parseFloat(d.toFixed(1)));barchart = Plot.barY(start_values, {x: (d, i) =>1+i/10,fill: (d, i) => ((i-20)/20),y: (d) => d,render: (i, s, v, d, c, next) => {const g =next(i, s, v, d, c); c.ownerSVGElement.update= (values) =>"rect").transition().duration(750).attr("height", (i) => s.y(0) - s.y(values[i])).attr("y", (i) => s.y(values[i]));return g; }}).plot({y: { domain: [0,0.15],tickFormat: (d) =>`${(d *100).toFixed(0)}%`,label:"Proportion of Ratings"},x: { ticks: [1,2,3,4,5],domain: x_domain,label:"Unrounded Overall Star Rating"},color: { scheme:"RdYlGn",domain: [-1,1] }})data = d3.csv("stars-vis.csv", d => ({quarter: d.quarter,value:+d.value,n:+d.n}));start_values = data.filter(row => row.quarter=== index_names[0]).map(row => row.n);{let index=0;do {"#plot-heading").text(`Australian Aged Care Star Ratings From ${index_names[index]}`);"#plot-heading2").text(`${plot2_stat[index]} of homes had a rating of four or five stars in ${index_names[index]}`);const newValues = data.filter(row => row.quarter=== index_names[index]).map(x => x.n); barchart.update(newValues).end(); barchart2.update(newValues).end();await Promises.delay(1200); index+=1;if(index==1) {await Promises.delay(1000); }if(index>6) {await Promises.delay(1000); index=0; } } while (true);}
plot2_stat = ["40.8%","47.3%","53.7%","57.8%","62.1%","66.0%","69.2%"];html`<h4 id="plot-heading2">${plot2_stat[0]} of homes had a rating of four or five stars in ${index_names[0]}</h4>`;
A summary of the current number of each star rating awarded is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Count and proportion of star ratings given based on the Q4 FY23-24 data.
Star Rating
0.0% (0)
0.1% (3)
30.7% (753)
65.5% (1607)
3.7% (92)
Residents' Experience
0.0% (1)
2.8% (70)
49.8% (1230)
42.1% (1039)
5.2% (128)
0.0% (0)
0.1% (2)
3.3% (83)
36.8% (919)
59.7% (1490)
Quality Measures
3.6% (89)
7.0% (175)
43.0% (1073)
23.6% (589)
22.8% (569)
4.4% (110)
27.0% (675)
42.6% (1063)
13.2% (329)
12.8% (320)
There has been a consistent increase in average star ratings since they were introduced in all categories other than quality measures, as seen in Figure 1.
Treating the star ratings as purely categorical, we still observe a convincing trend in Figure 2. The number of four and five star ratings have increased while the number of one, two, and three star ratings have decreased.