Trends in Aged Care Star Ratings Visualised


Filip Reierson


June 25, 2024

In this article I share interactive graphs that allow readers to explore trends in Australian aged care star ratings grouped by various variables. The available data spans from May 2023 to May 2024, covering quality measures from Q2 FY22-23 to Q2 FY23-24. Most variables are directly taken from the quarterly star rating extracts, but provider size had to be derived, and regionality was modified by grouping MM3-5 and MM6-7. Additionally, service sizes for Q3 FY22-23 were missing, so I imputed these values based on data from the previous and subsequent quarter. I have included a description of each variable in Table 1. When grouped by ‘nothing’, all services are considered as a single group. By default, points are connected with a Catmull–Rom spline.

Table 1: A description of the available variables.
Category Description
NSW New South Wales
VIC Victoria
QLD Queensland
WA Western Australia
SA South Australia
TAS Tasmania
ACT Australian Capital Territory
NT Northern Territory
Service Size
Small 60 or fewer estimated number of clients
Medium Between 61 and 100 estimated number of clients
Large Greater than 100 estimated number of clients
Provider Size1
Small Provider with 1-4 services
Medium Provider with 5-19 services
Large Provider with 20+ services
MM1 Metropolitan (MM1)
MM2 Regional centres (MM2)
MM3-5 Rural (MM3-5)
MM6-7 Remote (MM6-7)
Organisation Type
Government Government
Not for profit Not for profit
For profit For profit
1 Provider size is based on the number of services with the same provider name in the star rating extract.
2 Regionality definitions are based on the Modified Monash Model (MMM).